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VLC control mini-bar

Posted: 01 Jan 2024 21:10
by vlcftw
That mini-bar vanishes (doesn't show up) after I put VLC on full screen and change aspect ratio so that video fills whole screen. Didn't happen before I did full reinstall.

Re: VLC control mini-bar

Posted: 02 Jan 2024 11:46
by Lotesdelere
It should be fixed with VLC v3.0.20:

Re: VLC control mini-bar

Posted: 03 Jan 2024 01:24
by vlcftw
It should be fixed with VLC v3.0.20:
Well I have 3.0.20 but it happens so either bug or some setting which was right on previous installation is wrong on this.

After going through settings I got it to show up on full screen but not on full screen+aspect ratio change.

Re: VLC control mini-bar

Posted: 08 Jan 2024 19:32
by vlcftw
It seems to stay on 1st clip but when 2nd is dragged on same window after previous has ended or is ending then that minibar vanishes.

Re: VLC control mini-bar

Posted: 21 Jan 2024 21:23
by vlcftw
Well as it happens this is still an issue, not a big but still an annoyance since for example can't see video's timer.

Still something to do with Aspect Ratio.