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VLC video recording does not generate a file
Posted: 26 Dec 2023 19:23
by Aidan666
Hello all! I have been trying to get a stream URL to record, and it plays in VLC. Every time I try to record it lets me start and stop but it doesn't generate a file? Any ideas on how to fix?
Stream link is:
https://csm-e-cennauausw2live204-09e453 ... destriantv
I'm on the latest version, using windows 11 64-bit if it helps!
Re: VLC video recording does not generate a file
Posted: 27 Dec 2023 13:00
by Lotesdelere
I can't check it because I can't play this stream.
Please open Tools -> Messages (set Verbosity to 2) before you start the playback and the recording, and then paste the full resulting log here or on or on if it's too long.
Re: VLC video recording does not generate a file
Posted: 01 Jan 2024 12:14
by Aidan666
Cheers for the reply! It's a changing link but each link is the same apart from the session id.
the log:
Re: VLC video recording does not generate a file
Posted: 02 Jan 2024 11:38
by Lotesdelere
Code: Select all
main debug: set config option: sout-standard-dst to C:\Users\aidan\Videos\vlc-record-2024-01-01-22h10m20s-5.m3u8;jsessionid=1D711889C927213D661495BD137E2B46.csm-e-cennauausw2live204-0b2cddedefa888f37.bln1.yospace.com_nuid=a3119f3c566148159c308c5021b63b97&apid=3e062b69-049b-df1b-d2ba-5c7a389c1d42&device_id=030f426f-37bf-4a77-3862-697b41a26925&deviceType=desktop&optout=0&telaria_tvid=&userAgentheader=Mozilla_5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64;+rv_121.0)+Gecko_20100101+Firefox_121.0&oztam_session_id=d44d1629-738d-467a-a4f4-d8c76a8af5d0&vendorVersion=9now_web_1.3&pp=9now_live&iu=_133009657_9now_web_live&yo.up=https&
file error: cannot create C:\Users\aidan\Videos\vlc-record-2024-01-01-22h10m20s-5.m3u8;jsessionid=1D711889C927213D661495BD137E2B46.csm-e-cennauausw2live204-0b2cddedefa888f37.bln1.yospace.com_nuid=a3119f3c566148159c308c5021b63b97&apid=3e062b69-049b-df1b-d2ba-5c7a389c1d42&device_id=030f426f-37bf-4a77-3862-697b41a26925&deviceType=desktop&optout=0&telaria_tvid=&userAgentheader=Mozilla_5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64;+rv_121.0)+Gecko_20100101+Firefox_121.0&oztam_session_id=d44d1629-738d-467a-a4f4-d8c76a8af5d0&vendorVersion=9now_web_1.3&pp=9now_live&iu=_133009657_9now_web_live&yo.up=https& No such file or directory
record error: failed to open output
It just can't create a file with such a long file name.
And I don't know if there is an option to change the output file name when using the Record feature from the GUI.
Re: VLC video recording does not generate a file
Posted: 02 Jan 2024 16:18
by Aidan666
Found a workaround!
Just save the links to my laptop and rename then play in VLC and it works!!
Re: VLC video recording does not generate a file
Posted: 14 Jan 2024 15:23
by malfortune
Can you explain the workaround in more details? I'm having the same issue. Normally I would open VLC then go to Media-->Open Network Stream, paste the URL, start reading and press the record button. The stream plays without issues but the URL is too long and so the record button doesn't work. How did you save the link to your PC and how did you play it afterwards? Here is what my URL looks like
https://pull-hs-f5-hot.flive.douyincdn. ... 5979.56281