Postby cauthaigl » 14 Dec 2023 20:20
What I did was to CONVERT two MTS files to MP4 files, using VLC GUI, rename the -converted files to file1 and file2, then use the command below in Windows shell to COMBINE file1 and file2 together in final file:
"C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" file1.mp4 file2.mp4 --sout "#gather:std{access=file,dst=final.mp4}" --sout-keep
While file1.mp4 and file2.mp4 have sound, final.mp4 does NOT have sound!
If I may, I would like to have two questions:
1. Can I combine file1 and file2 using VLC GUI instead of running the command above?
2. If the answer is NO, then how can I fix this NO SOUND issue in the final.mp4 file?
I use VLC 3.0.11 in Windows 11.
Below is a small portion of the message log for the first step: converting two MTS files to MP4 files. This step generated two MP4 files with sound okay.
For the second step, when running the command "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" file1.mp4 file2.mp4 --sout "#gather:std{access=file,dst=final.mp4}" --sout-keep
it seems VLC didn't generate any messages. VLC reset Verbosity back to 0. This step generated final.mp4 with NO SOUND.
qt debug: MRL(s) passed to the Sout: 2
qt debug: MRL(s) passed to the Sout: file:///E:/HP_2/Amanda/Panasonic_HD/20231205/00036.MTS
qt debug: MRL(s) passed to the Sout: file:///E:/HP_2/Amanda/Panasonic_HD/20231205/00037.MTS
qt debug: Transcode MRL: sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,scale=Auto,scodec=none}:std{access=file{no-overwrite},mux=mp4,dst='E:/HP_2/Amanda/Panasonic_HD/20231205/00036-converted.mp4'}
qt debug: Transcode MRL: sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,scale=Auto,scodec=none}:std{access=file{no-overwrite},mux=mp4,dst='E:/HP_2/Amanda/Panasonic_HD/20231205/00037-converted.mp4'}
main debug: processing request item: null, node: Playlist, skip: 0
main debug: rebuilding array of current - root Playlist
main debug: rebuild done - 2 items, index -1
main debug: starting playback of new item
main debug: resyncing on Converting file:///E:/HP_2/Amanda/Panasonic_HD/20231205/00036.MTS
main debug: Converting file:///E:/HP_2/Amanda/Panasonic_HD/20231205/00036.MTS is at 0
main debug: creating new input thread
main debug: Creating an input for 'Converting file:///E:/HP_2/Amanda/Panasonic_HD/20231205/00036.MTS'
main debug: requesting art for new input thread
main debug: Creating an input for preparsing 'Converting file:///E:/HP_2/Amanda/Panasonic_HD/20231205/00037.MTS'
main debug: using sout chain=`transcode{vcodec=h264,scale=Auto,scodec=none}:std{access=file{no-overwrite},mux=mp4,dst='E:/HP_2/Amanda/Panasonic_HD/20231205/00036-converted.mp4'}'
main debug: stream=`std'
main debug: looking for sout stream module matching "std": 23 candidates
main debug: set config option: sout-standard-access to file{no-overwrite}
main debug: set config option: sout-standard-mux to mp4
main debug: set config option: sout-standard-dst to E:/HP_2/Amanda/Panasonic_HD/20231205/00036-converted.mp4
main debug: looking for sout access module matching "file": 10 candidates
main debug: set config option: sout-file-overwrite to (null)
file debug: file access output opened (E:/HP_2/Amanda/Panasonic_HD/20231205/00036-converted.mp4)
main debug: using sout access module "file"
main debug: looking for sout mux module matching "mp4": 11 candidates
mp4 debug: Mp4 muxer opened
main debug: using sout mux module "mp4"
stream_out_standard debug: using `file{no-overwrite}/mp4://E:/HP_2/Amanda/Panasonic_HD/20231205/00036-converted.mp4'
main debug: using sout stream module "stream_out_standard"
#### pages removed #####
x264 debug: framecount still in libx264 buffer: 0
x264 info: frame I:25 Avg QP:20.35 size:146975
x264 info: frame P:1454 Avg QP:22.53 size: 43545
x264 info: frame B:3843 Avg QP:25.72 size: 9616
x264 info: consecutive B-frames: 1.7% 3.3% 8.5% 86.6%
x264 info: mb I I16..4: 16.0% 70.0% 14.0%
x264 info: mb P I16..4: 1.5% 4.3% 0.3% P16..4: 43.7% 13.4% 7.7% 0.0% 0.0% skip:29.1%
x264 info: mb B I16..4: 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% B16..8: 40.4% 0.0% 0.0% direct: 1.4% skip:58.1% L0:40.6% L1:52.3% BI: 7.1%
x264 info: 8x8 transform intra:70.0% inter:80.2%
x264 info: coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 55.7% 75.6% 41.5% inter: 11.5% 16.9% 1.6%
x264 info: i16 v,h,dc,p: 31% 29% 15% 25%
x264 info: i8 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 28% 15% 31% 3% 4% 5% 4% 6% 4%
x264 info: i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 25% 26% 18% 4% 5% 6% 5% 5% 5%
x264 info: i8c dc,h,v,p: 48% 20% 25% 7%
x264 info: Weighted P-Frames: Y:3.2% UV:1.3%
x264 info: ref P L0: 59.2% 13.7% 20.6% 6.3% 0.2%
x264 info: ref B L0: 89.6% 8.6% 1.8%
x264 info: ref B L1: 95.8% 4.2%
x264 info: kb/s:4682.75
main debug: removing module "d3d11_filters"
main debug: Filter 0000029aaab36300 removed from chain
mp4 debug: tk 2 elst media time 0 duration 177644134 offset 33367
mp4 debug: removing input
main debug: killing decoder fourcc `a52 '
main debug: removing module "a52"
main debug: removing a sout input (sout_input: 0000029aaa7b5590)
mp4 debug: tk 1 elst media time 0 duration 177536000 offset 0
mp4 debug: removing input
main warning: no more input streams for this mux
main debug: killing decoder fourcc `bdpg'
main debug: removing module "copy"
main debug: removing module "ts"
main debug: Program doesn't contain anymore ES
main debug: removing module "record"
main debug: removing module "cache_read"
main debug: removing module "filesystem"
main debug: dead input
main debug: destroying useless sout
main debug: destroying chain... (name=transcode)
main debug: removing module "stream_out_transcode"
main debug: destroying chain done
main debug: destroying chain... (name=std)
main debug: removing module "stream_out_standard"
main debug: removing module "mp4"
mp4 debug: Close
mp4 debug: movie duration 177s
mp4 debug: created 5321 chunks (stco)
mp4 debug: created 5321 chunks (stco)
qt debug: IM: Deleting the input
main debug: removing module "file"
file debug: file access output closed
main debug: destroying chain done
main debug: changing item without a request (current 1/2)
main debug: nothing to play