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Using the commandline

Posted: 26 Oct 2023 16:25
by daba
I'm using VLC commandline issued from an Elgato Stream Deck.

I've said in another thread that I'm having trouble getting a commandluine put together to fit as many of the following objectives as possible. I've also said that I don't want telling how to do it... :roll:

However, I've reached a saturation point on this, read 100's of threads, seen numerous youtube tutorials, read the book, bought the tee-shirt etc., but I'm spending WAY too much time trying to get this simple thing working .....

I want the Stream Deck commandline to

1. Play a video from my hard drive. (Simple enough, got that part working)
2. Play this video on Display2. (Had that working, but don't know how, because I didn't tell it to)
3. Play Fullscreen on Display2, with no navigation controls at the bottom of the screen etc.
4. Play the video ON-TOP of what was on display2, and ideally I'd like the video to "fade-start" (Not even sure if that is a supported option).
%. reestore the previous Display2 when the video is finished.

ANY help or pointers would be much appreciated, If someone could actually do the commandline for me, I will analyse it and see where I've been going wrong, that would be a great learning experience for me....

I do like to do things for myself, but I'm upa against a time constraint on getting this working, and like I said, I've been going round in circles....


Re: Using the commandline

Posted: 28 Oct 2023 12:41
by Lotesdelere