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MDAV-TS support (AKA Blu-Ray, AKA M2TS)

Posted: 07 Jun 2023 23:32
by Xogroroth
Greetings all:

VLC 3.0.16 x64 Vetinari (Wait, WHAT??? Can't I get a REGULAR DOCTOR?????).
I do not upgrade as I severely dislike X.18 or higher.
Severe Asperger's see ... .
That UI just does not do it for me.

So, BDAV-TS is not standard played by VLC.
Odd, since, this is something fairly old.

Got me a 40GB movie disk BR, MDAV-TS, but no go.
Have to go into settings, change the Demuxer into H264 Video Demuxer, as per few sites, which does not do a damn thing.
Further more, this prevents me from playing other idiotic film types such as there is ... far too many to begin summoning them up that ain't BDAV-TS.

"Get another player" some yell.
That then, defeats me getting VLC, doesn't it?

"Rip the movie" many say.
Again, that defeats having VLC player, no?

So, is there like a working fix to get an all-star ... I mean, all-playing VLC?
Like, ummm, a codec or somethingish?
A multi-codec?
The All-sta .. erm, All-Playing VLC codec?

Thank you.

Re: MDAV-TS support (AKA Blu-Ray, AKA M2TS)

Posted: 08 Jun 2023 10:37
by Lotesdelere

Re: MDAV-TS support (AKA Blu-Ray, AKA M2TS)

Posted: 10 Jun 2023 00:49
by Xogroroth