vlc 4.0 and disks
Posted: 03 May 2023 19:58
Discussion and support for VLC media player and friends
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MSVC++ Assertion Failed
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vlc --extraintf=logger --verbose=2 --logfile=C:\temp\vlc.log --logmode=text --file-logging
logCode: Select all
MSVC++ Assertion Failed
What kind of discs ? CD, DVD, BD, or all of them ?
Please run VLC with this command line for creating a log file:
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vlc --extraintf=logger --verbose=2 --logfile=C:\temp\vlc.log --logmode=text --file-logging
and then paste the full resulting log here or on Pastebin.com or on Justpaste.it if it's too long.
Make sure you have full access rights to the destination path.
Then you should create a new ticket on the VLC Trac with your above report, the link to your log file and the link to this thread:
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revision 4.0.0-dev-23638-gdccda0e133
E:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\RealThinClient\Demos\RTC_WebServer\VLCPortable\App\vlc\