Weird scaling in VLC

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Weird scaling in VLC

Postby RenderSys1608 » 08 Apr 2023 09:05

I've noticed that when playing a video with a relatively high pixel dimension, higher than my monitor (1920x1080), the scaling becomes somewhat bad. It's mostly visible for text as they appear too sharp. Compared to the video being played on Windows Media Player or the browser, the aforementioned text is sharp.

Text as displayed in full screen on VLC

Text as displayed in full screen on Windows Media Player

I've already tried changing the scaling to Lanczos and other scaling methods but it doesn't seem to do anything. My video output module is automatic and I have hardware acceleration set to automatic too. I also thought it might have to do with the scaling filter not working automatically so I installed VLC 2.2.4 (which still had the manual option to enable the video scaling filter, swscale) and the same thing still happens. Is this a bug, or is there a configuration issue?

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Re: Weird scaling in VLC

Postby Lotesdelere » 08 Apr 2023 12:08

Is it any better if you disable hardware acceleration ?

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