Need help with the batch file for yt-dlp_x86.exe
Posted: 10 Sep 2022 14:10
i replaced youtube-dl.exe with yt-dlp_x86.exe and set the correct path to VLC.exe:
@echo off
set VLC="d:\Programs\vlc-\vlc.exe"
set /p yturl=Youtube URL (right-click):
yt-dlp_x86.exe -F %yturl:&=^&%
set /p ytdlfmt=Format:
yt-dlp_x86.exe -g -f %ytdlfmt% %yturl:&=^&% > yt-dl.m3u
echo VLC...
%VLC% --meta-title=youtube-dl yt-dl.m3u
Then i run it: right click for pasting the Youtube URL, and when it asks for the format I enter 22
VLC reports an error:
Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'file:///D:/wavs/yt-dl.m3u'. Check the log for details.
whai am i doing wrong?
@echo off
set VLC="d:\Programs\vlc-\vlc.exe"
set /p yturl=Youtube URL (right-click):
yt-dlp_x86.exe -F %yturl:&=^&%
set /p ytdlfmt=Format:
yt-dlp_x86.exe -g -f %ytdlfmt% %yturl:&=^&% > yt-dl.m3u
echo VLC...
%VLC% --meta-title=youtube-dl yt-dl.m3u
Then i run it: right click for pasting the Youtube URL, and when it asks for the format I enter 22
VLC reports an error:
Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'file:///D:/wavs/yt-dl.m3u'. Check the log for details.
whai am i doing wrong?