Muting a video also flips it on Windows 11

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Muting a video also flips it on Windows 11

Postby lukeprog » 20 Apr 2022 21:56

I've got a 4k MP4 video shot on iPhone 13 that I'd like to remove the audio from using VLC. So under Media -> Convert/Save, I click Add and I choose the 4k video file, then I click Convert/Save, and I use a newly created profile called "MP4 muted" where:

Encapsulation = MP4/MOV
Video codec = 'video' is checked, and 'keep original video track' is checked
Audio codec = nothing is checked, i.e. no audio will be kept
Subtitles = nothing is checked

Then I choose a location and filename for the destination file and click Start. After a few seconds it completes and the destination file appears in Windows Explorer, but now the thumbnail shows that it's flipped and it comes up flipped if I upload that file to YouTube (but not if I upload the original file to YouTube, though then it's not muted of course). It still plays right-side-up in VLC for some reason but in the thumbnail and if uploaded to Youtube, it's up-side-down.

This is on Windows 11 Pro 21H2, and VLC 3.0.16.

Anyone know how to fix this?

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Re: Muting a video also flips it on Windows 11

Postby lukeprog » 20 Apr 2022 22:56

Alternately, is there any other program that will remove the audio track from a video but leave the video track untouched? Every program I've seen besides VLC seems to want to decode and then re-compress the video file even if I want to leave the video track untouched.

Another idea is that if this is probably just a problem with the metadata, maybe I can manually fix the metadata so that YouTube and Windows Explorer recognize the video right-side-up?

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Re: Muting a video also flips it on Windows 11

Postby Lotesdelere » 21 Apr 2022 14:11

I've got a 4k MP4 video shot on iPhone 13 that I'd like to remove the audio from using VLC. So under Media -> Convert/Save, I click Add and I choose the 4k video file, then I click Convert/Save, and I use a newly created profile called "MP4 muted" where:

Encapsulation = MP4/MOV
Video codec = 'video' is checked, and 'keep original video track' is checked
Audio codec = nothing is checked, i.e. no audio will be kept
Subtitles = nothing is checked

Then I choose a location and filename for the destination file and click Start. After a few seconds it completes and the destination file appears in Windows Explorer, but now the thumbnail shows that it's flipped and it comes up flipped if I upload that file to YouTube (but not if I upload the original file to YouTube, though then it's not muted of course). It still plays right-side-up in VLC for some reason but in the thumbnail and if uploaded to Youtube, it's up-side-down.
Another idea is that if this is probably just a problem with the metadata, maybe I can manually fix the metadata so that YouTube and Windows Explorer recognize the video right-side-up?

Looks like a similar issue as this one:

Try with latest VLC version which is v3.0.17.4 as of today.
If it doesn't help the you should create a new ticket on the VLC Trac with your above report, the link to a sample file and the link to this thread:

is there any other program that will remove the audio track from a video but leave the video track untouched?

FFmpeg with a simple command line:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -an -c:v copy output.mp4

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Re: Muting a video also flips it on Windows 11

Postby lukeprog » 22 Apr 2022 15:49

Thanks! Updating to that version of VLC didn't fix the problem, but switching to ffmpeg did!

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