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Automatically add files later or at the end of the current playlist

Posted: 01 Apr 2022 09:44
by DynV
Sometimes I download some files to be added to VLC playlist when it's finished while having something in the playlist that should not end before the download; ie download estimated at 32 mins with playlist having 45 mins remaining. Please note that I don't know the file names until the download is almost completed, although I would immediately know the 1st file name; continuing with the previous example, at 29 mins the last file name would be known. The majority of the time I'm using another program in full-screen mode and I'd rather not have to switch to & from just to add the downloaded files to the playlist.

Is there a way to either, in order of preference,
  1. automatically add files at the end of the current playlist, or
  2. automatically add files later?
To do so for both ways a user would either enter the 1st file name of the download or enter a timestamp before the former was downloaded, and for the 2nd way the time would be entered I assume; continuing the same example, the 2nd way would enter 44 mins.

Thank you kindly for your help