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Windows 11 - Displaying on second monitor

Posted: 24 Mar 2022 22:30
by jabinsky
I have a Windows 11 ( W11 ) computer. I am trying to set up my VLC to display videos on a second screen. Setting up with DIrectDraw / DirectX and using \\.\DISPLAY2 (also tried \\.\DISPLAY1).

The video does not show on the second screen no matter what options I use. I can get it to pop up a second window and move it each time, but that is not how it should be working. Anyone else have this problem and/or a solution for this?

Current version is 3.0.16 64-bit (tried 32bit too).

I did try on my laptop as well on Windows 11 with same results. Windows 10 works just fine.

Thank you

Re: Windows 11 - Displaying on second monitor

Posted: 20 Apr 2022 04:50
by Cosria
I am also having this issue, has anyone found a solution?