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Command line parameter format to play multiple videos (or playlist file incl. start-time)

Posted: 31 Jan 2022 23:15
by Robben
I've long been wanting to run excerpts from audio or scenes inside videos... driven by a database.

I will use --start-time and --run-time for each request.

What I have working is the command for a single video...

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"c:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --fullscreen --playlist-enqueue --start-time=300 --run-time=30 c:\movie.mp4

(1) Can I do multiple videos, including start- and run-time for each, in the one command line?

What would be the format, please?

I've read somewhere to use a pipe? How would it look?

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"c:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --start-time=300 --run-time=30 c:\vid_1.mp4|--start-time=500 --run-time=60 c:\vid_2.mp4| ...?

(2) If that's not possible, can I have the PC write a playlist to disk that includes start-time and run-time xml tags for each video?

(3) Is there a command line parameter to ensure I won't see subtitles?
--sub-file="" ?

Thanks for any hints! :)

Re: Command line parameter format to play multiple videos (or playlist file incl. start-time)

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 13:06
by mederi
Media>Save Playlist to File... .xspf

Re: Command line parameter format to play multiple videos (or playlist file incl. start-time)

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 18:49
by unidan

(1) Can I do multiple videos, including start- and run-time for each, in the one command line?

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vlc scheme://firstfilepath :start-time=100 :run-time=300 \ scheme://secondfilepath :start-time=200 :run-time=400
:option basically applies to the input MRL preceding on the command line

(3) Is there a command line parameter to ensure I won't see subtitles?

--no-spu will disable subtitles, --no-osd will also disable the title, play/pause marker and the progress on screen.

Re: Command line parameter format to play multiple videos (or playlist file incl. start-time)

Posted: 01 Feb 2022 19:50
by Robben
That all works GREAT. Thank you all :D

Last question...

If I want to show different scenes in the same video, do I have to reload it (so it feels), or is there an option / intelligence to just jump?

This works but feels like the movie has to reload (not sure it is) ...

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"vlc.exe" t:\sameMovie.mp4 :start-time=10 :run-time=5 t:\sameMovie.mp4 :start-time=20 :run-time=10
Or does some option exist to replace the same title with :SAME-FILE (for example), so it just skips?

Maybe it's already doing so with the previous line, which *does* work — I just wanna skip reloading the file if it doesn't need to.

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"vlc.exe" t:\sameMovie.mp4 :start-time=10 :run-time=5 :SAME-FILE :start-time=20 :run-time=10