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How to minimize vlc player without using a mouse

Posted: 31 Dec 2021 02:45
by ricksasha

How do I minimize vlc player without using my mouse? What is the hotkey (or keyboard shortcut)
to minimize vlc player?

Thank you.

Re: How to minimize vlc player without using a mouse

Posted: 31 Dec 2021 12:57
by Lotesdelere
Alt+Space+N if your system is using English language, like any other window.
If you are using another language, then check the Alt+Space system menu window to see which letters are corresponding to the various commands (the underlined ones).

Re: How to minimize vlc player without using a mouse

Posted: 31 Dec 2021 17:26
by ricksasha
Alt+Space+N worked, thank you so much! Is there also a hotkey (1 key) that will minimize vlc player?

Re: How to minimize vlc player without using a mouse

Posted: 01 Jan 2022 17:00
by Hitchhiker
Alt+Space+N worked, thank you so much! Is there also a hotkey (1 key) that will minimize vlc player?

No. But you can hit Windows key + M to minimize everything on the screen and then hit Alt+Tab to cycle through the open apps and re-enable vlc along with anything else.

Re: How to minimize vlc player without using a mouse

Posted: 24 Jul 2022 15:56
by hohame
There is a workaround if you use a script. For example, I use a mouse gesture software ( and wanted to minimize VLC to the system tray without my music stopping with a gesture.
(I think you can do that with a macro as well, then assign such macro to a keyboard button.)

For that, I first assigned a [Boss Key] in VLC settings in [Tools→Preferences—Hotkeys] ("Esc" in my case, instead of "Exit full screen", as you can exit it by double clicking). Then I also assigned a global [Play / Pause] combination ("Fn" + "F7" in my case).
Then, I activated the script record function in and pressed "Esc", then "Fn" + "F7".
You will have pauses between keystrokes; if you want your script to execute in full immediately, you'll need to set those pauses to the minimum value.

My script (I think it's Java but I'm not sure) that works for me in
/*App Definition

Owner Class Name: Shell_TrayWnd
Root Class Name: Shell_TrayWnd
Parent Class Name: #32769
Class Name: Shell_TrayWnd
Module Path: C:\Windows
Module Name (EXE): explorer.exe