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Trying to rotate a video 180 degrees horizontally

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 17:37
by MJSobol
VLC V4.0.0-dev Otto Chriek
I am following the instructions in this link: ... %20degrees.
When I get to this section:
In the Convert dialog, click on Settings next to the Profile.
Profile Settings
In the Profile edition dialog, navigate to Video Codec > Filters
when I click on the Settings VLC closes, no error message.
FYI: I am running the latest daily build of this.

Re: Trying to rotate a video 180 degrees horizontally

Posted: 26 Dec 2021 12:15
by Hitchhiker
VLC 4.0 hasn't been officially released yet and you've probably come across one of the bugs.

Suggest you download the current version which is 3.0.16: