Full screen controls obscured by video

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Full screen controls obscured by video

Postby twapilot » 23 May 2021 01:34

When viewing in Full Screen mode using Windows 10, the full screen controls are difficult to see depending on the lighting in the video. The controls are translucent and show the video through them making them impossible to see if the video is light on that part of the screen.

How can I make the full screen controls more opaque so they can be seen clearly? It is almost unusable if you cannot see them.

Also, if the VLC window takes up the full page, even the dropdown windows for Tools and so forth are translucent so the video make this difficult if not impossible to see. If the VLC window is smaller than the full scree, the dropdown windows are opaque so that they can be seen clearly without the video covering them. I don't know why it is different when the VLC window takes up the full screen or the video is viewed in full screen mode.

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Re: Full screen controls obscured by video

Postby Lotesdelere » 23 May 2021 10:02

Menu Tools -> Preferences (Show Settings = ALL) -> Interface -> Main interfaces -> Qt
Then on the right panel you can set the opacity options.

After the changes save the preferences then exit and restart VLC.

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