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Video On Top of Controls, Cursor Vanishing & Can No Longer Click to Pause/Resume

Posted: 08 Jan 2021 22:42
by DeathJester
Hello. I don't think I've touched anything in the setting that could have cause this, but it might just be me doing a big dumb.

For some reason, when I play a video file full screen through VLC, the video is over the controls. The only way to get to the controls is to come out of full screen.
Also, the mouse cursor vanishes when hovering over the video. It appears if I hover over the controls or file options at the top of the screen, or if I click on the video itself. However, if I click on the video to bring back the cursor it will vanish after a couple of seconds, even while moving the mouse.
The third issue is that I used to be able to click on the video to pause or resume it, but can no longer do that. 'Mouse Events' is ticked.

Any helps would be appreciated.

Re: Video On Top of Controls, Cursor Vanishing & Can No Longer Click to Pause/Resume

Posted: 09 Jan 2021 15:21
by Hitchhiker
Resert prefs and then try again:

Re: Video On Top of Controls, Cursor Vanishing & Can No Longer Click to Pause/Resume

Posted: 09 Jan 2021 15:29
by DeathJester
Yeah I did that this morning and got almost everything back to normal. The only thing that still doesn't work is click to play/pause.

Re: Video On Top of Controls, Cursor Vanishing & Can No Longer Click to Pause/Resume

Posted: 10 Jan 2021 14:41
by Hitchhiker
I don't think clicking a video was ever meant to pause it actually. It didn't work when I just tried it anyway.

A good alternative is to hit the spacebar.

Re: Video On Top of Controls, Cursor Vanishing & Can No Longer Click to Pause/Resume

Posted: 11 Jan 2021 01:20
by skrontle
Not being able to pause a video has been a thorn in my side for a couple years now.
I never woulda thunk of hitting the Space bar to pause/continue a video :oops: