I have an IP camera that saves "event" files as .265 files on it's own SD card and by ftp to my portable drive on my linksys router.
I am running Win10 and VLC 3.0.11. When I try to play the file from either source VLC text in the upper left corner stutters between the 265 file filename and the "VLC media player" name. I cannot get it to stop without task manager.
I tried /tools/messages/vertbosity= 2 but I can't get a log because I have to force stop VLC.
My PC is a Lenovo Yogo C930 with onboard graphics. Maybe the onboard graphics are inadequate.... however I AM able to play back the 265 files from the sd card using my iphone 11 and the CamHiPro iphone app which came with the cam, so I am surprised if the problem is just the C930 on board cpu.
Any suggestions on how to proceed?