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Normalization never worked

Posted: 19 Nov 2020 23:09
by phil123456

just purchased a win 10 and installed VLC

playing movies gives me the same issues a on win XP/Win 7...Audio normalization still just does not work (after all these years)

I enabled it and set it to 1.0 then back to 2.0...still the same problem is definitely not normalized

is there a (working) compressor plugin to install or something I am missing ?


using VLC 3.0.11

Re: Normalization never worked

Posted: 20 Nov 2020 10:26
by Hitchhiker
In the Advanced prefs menu ---> Audio ---> Output modules try changing the module to DirectX audio output. Here's a pix.

(click to enlarge)

If that doesn't work try experimenting with the other options.

Re: Normalization never worked

Posted: 20 Nov 2020 16:43
by phil123456
ok it's in Tools/preferences/Audio/Output module... but it does not change anything

I tried Effects & Filters / Compressor

Re: Normalization never worked

Posted: 20 Nov 2020 17:29
by Hitchhiker
Forgive me, getting a bit old in the tooth and maybe my ears deceive me, but I don't detect any issues with audio playback. What is it exactly that you're referring to?