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Brightness and contrast controls too sensitive.

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 02:11
by Syncopator
I find it very difficult to make small adjustments to contrast and brightness.
The slightest touch to the controls have too great an effect.
Is there a way round this?

Re: Brightness and contrast controls too sensitive.

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:19
by Hitchhiker
You could try using the Image Adjust menu in the Advanced options.

To access it hit Ctrl + P to open preferences and then click the radio button to the left of "All" at the bottom. In the Search pane at the top of the menu which opens type: contrast and then click "Image Adjust" in the results. After you make changes in the right hand pane click Save, exit and restart vlc.

Here's a screenshot.

(click to enlarge)

Re: Brightness and contrast controls too sensitive.

Posted: 17 Oct 2020 21:39
by Syncopator
Perhaps we have different versions of the program.
I don't see that screen.
I will try re-installing.

Re: Brightness and contrast controls too sensitive.

Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:33
by Hitchhiker
Perhaps we have different versions of the program.
I don't see that screen.
I will try re-installing.

Are you running the Windows Store version? That has fewer options.

Uninstall it if you are and then download the full version from here: