Anyone using separate remote unit to control VLC file open?

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Anyone using separate remote unit to control VLC file open?

Postby TopskyIII » 04 Jun 2020 00:35

With USB 2.4G giro remote controller (mouse) I successfully control most common VLC commands but there is no way to open new file (Ctrl+O).
This remote control unit has pre programmed stop, play, forward, volume, cursor ... buttons but no computer interface software to change any button function.
Either there is no vlc "file open" hotkey to change pre programmed remote control button function accordingly.
Changing file requires always contact with computer but I am sure there are some better way which I have missed.

Perhaps there is some suitable pre programmed giro mouse/remote control unit?
Is there anyone, who has solved file open "ctrl+O" or "ctrl+F" basic function with remote control successfully?

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