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Lower volume after songs or time

Posted: 10 May 2020 22:46
by DynV
I almost always have VLC no video running. Often when it's playing something my main focus is on another software running fullscreen. A good amount of time per day I'll want to play something at a higher volume for a few songs then lower it down. Currently I have to switch from the fullscreen software then back to lower the volume.

Before thinking of creating this thread I searched for a command to lower VLC volume of an already running process. I've seen how to start it at some volume, but not how to lower it. My thinking was to use the command line to set a delay then run the volume lowering command ie: command to delay <seconds>; command to lower VLC volume. What would be ideal is if in the playlist there's a way to have some songs at a volume different than the regular volume but I don't think I'll ever see that.

Thank you kindly for your help

Re: Lower volume after songs or time

Posted: 11 May 2020 11:31
by Lotesdelere
What about using the scroll wheel of your mouse ?

Re: Lower volume after songs or time

Posted: 11 May 2020 14:31
by DynV
"[...] my main focus is on another software running fullscreen. [...] Currently I have to switch from the fullscreen software then back to lower the volume." so scroll wheel won't lower the volume.

If the volume could be lowered after a couple songs played or after some minutes passed would be great.

Re: Lower volume after songs or time

Posted: 12 May 2020 10:32
by Lotesdelere
I'm not sure VLC can do this, but this free tool may help:

Re: Lower volume after songs or time

Posted: 12 May 2020 10:43
by DynV
Do you mean that using X-Mouse Button Control I could set only for that specific program, which is almost-always is fullscreen, some modifier keys (ie: CTRL+SHIFT) for the mouse wheel and when using that combination (ie: CTRL+SHIFT+mouse wheel) with that program, the mouse wheel would affect VLC instead?

Re: Lower volume after songs or time

Posted: 12 May 2020 10:47
by Lotesdelere
Yes, run VLC and its name will appear in the list of the programs you can add to a dedicated profile.

Re: Lower volume after songs or time

Posted: 22 May 2020 10:37
by DynV
I was working on something other than audio and it was quicker to use a software other than my usual (with that file type). That got me thinking I could do just that for audio then got me thinking I just needed VLC to play a silent file meanwhile. I've used in VLC while the other audio is played using Windows default player.

Re: Lower volume after songs or time

Posted: 24 May 2020 16:28
by DynV
I made silent files and shared them on

I can't seem to edit my last post; sorry if someone was following this thread.