This new VLC is a totally different program! What is this?
Posted: 30 Apr 2020 22:26
Please help!
I have been using VLC for years and never had a problem.
I recently reset Windows 10 with a fresh install and then downloaded all my programs again.
Got VLC and it's a COMPLETELY different program than what I had. It looks absolutely terrible, there are no options, no way to open the playlist... it's the complete opposite of user-friendly.
What is this? It looks like QuickTime player but with a VLC log and I'm extremely disappointed and frustrated with it. I just want the normal VLC... I want to be able to open a file and see it playing instead of being brought to this new VLC interface that shows a bunch of folders and I just hear my file playing somewhere in the background while I try to navigate this cluttered intro screen that opens with every file I play.
I was going to just move to WinAmp and call it quits but I figured I'd ask here, as a last resort. There is nobody talking about this.. How is nobody talking about this? What happened to the simple VLC with a play/stop buttons that shows the length of the file being played? Where is that?
This is really lame. I'm sorry but I have to be honest. Why would you change something that wasn't broken? VLC used to be great... now it is borderline un-usable.
Can anyone out there link me to the original version? I would really appreciate it. Thank you.