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Can VLC play an NDI source?

Posted: 19 Apr 2020 01:03
by cvoce

I know there is a NewTek NDI plugin for VLC, but that appears to just be to CREATE an NDI source for the network. I want to play one back (ideally via VLC embedded in C# with the ActiveX interface). But I can't find anything about playing it even in VLC natively. Is it just not possible?

Thanks in advance.


Re: Can VLC play an NDI source?

Posted: 19 Apr 2020 11:10
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
As long as NDI remains license-incompatible with VLC, there will be no support for NDI whatsoever from here.

NewTek is free to publish VLC plug-ins as they see fit, but you should get support for those from NewTek.

Re: Can VLC play an NDI source?

Posted: 28 Apr 2020 20:17
by cvoce
Ah I wasn't aware there was a licensing issue.

Re: Can VLC play an NDI source?

Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:24
by Macrobiotic
There is actually a work-around that can be obtained from the NDI Tools that are downloadable from

The NDI Virtual Input will create a virtual webcam that you should be able to access with VLC.
That virtual webcam will simply feed through the video and audio carried on the NDI stream you choose.

Hope this helps.