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How to stream 2 DVB-T channels/programs with their audio-tracks?

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 11:35
by the_majkl
I am using this configuration file. The channel/program 259 plays on port 8050 and it has correct audio (785), but I am not able to make the second channel (264) use its audio track (1297). The second channel/program plays video on port 8051, but with no sound (or with sound of 1st channel with some change in config).
It seems that "audio-track/audio-track-id" in select="program=259,audio-track-id=785" is being ignored.
Is VLC able to stream according to this?
Thanks, Michal

new CT broadcast enabled
setup CT input dvb-t://
setup CT option dvb-adapter=0
setup CT option dvb-frequency=570000000
setup CT option dvb-bandwidth=-1
setup CT option programs=259,264
setup CT option audio-track=785,1297
setup CT option audio-track-id=785,1297

setup CT output #duplicate{dst=std{access=http,mux=ts,dst=:8050},select="program=259,audio-track-id=785",dst=std{access=http,mux=ts,dst=:8051},select="program=264,audio-track-id=1297"}

control CT play

Re: How to stream 2 DVB-T channels/programs with their audio-tracks?

Posted: 10 Feb 2020 15:12
by #thweiss
Hello the_majkl,

you can try the following CMD-Script for 64-Bit VLC-Versions (Example with 8MHz DVB-T Bandwith):

Code: Select all

@echo off start "" "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" dvb-t://frequency=570000000 :dvb-adapter=0 :bandwidth=8 :live-caching=1000 --sout=#duplicate{dst=http{mux=ts,dst=:8050},select="program=259",dst=http{mux=ts,dst=:8051},select="program=264"} :sout-all :sout-keep
Save the CMD Script as *.bat File (Example: "DVB-T-Streaming.bat").

On the Client use the Stream-URL for the Program-ID = 259

Code: Select all

and on the second VLC-Instance for the Program-ID = 264

Code: Select all


The Program-ID you can catch with the VLC-Player in the Codec-Information inside the rectangular Brackets.
The Program-ID contain a Video-ID and an Audio-ID. You need only the Program-ID in the CMD-Script to select the right Program (Video and Audio).

1) Menue / Media / Open Capture Device... / Capture Mode / TV - digital and select the right Frequenz in kHz (Example: 570000kHz).
2) Menue / Tools / Codec Information

Kind regards.

(SOLVED) Re: How to stream 2 DVB-T channels/programs with their audio-tracks?

Posted: 11 Feb 2020 15:44
by the_majkl
Wow! This seems to be working! Thanks a lot!