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issues ripping dvd-r
Posted: 04 Oct 2019 18:56
by cmeffa
Hi. I am having issues ripping a dvd-r. It only converts the first 14 min. 50 sec. of 2 hours of footage. I have updated it, and even tried it on another computer and it still only converts 14 min 50 sec to an mp4 file. If any one has any ideas what the issue may be, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
Re: issues ripping dvd-r
Posted: 10 Oct 2019 18:37
by cmeffa
HI. Just checking in almost a week later. I was wondering if this issue may be fixed in the next update? When I searched online I found some others who have experienced a similar issue. I have used it previously with no problem at all, but it seems like this year I have been having these issues. Thanks in adavance.
Re: issues ripping dvd-r
Posted: 10 Oct 2019 18:41
by BarryLaDuke
I have the same issue, sort of. I've tried twice to rip a DVD that has multiple content that is accessed from an onscreen menu (such as "play" and "extras". I disabled that menu for the rip, but the result is that I only get the FBI warning splash screen and nothing else.
I'll try again and uncheck the disable DVD menu option to see how that goes and will report back here.
Re: issues ripping dvd-r
Posted: 10 Oct 2019 19:20
by BarryLaDuke
Tried unchecking "disable DVD menu" option and starting the rip from chapter 1 instead of chapter 0. No joy. Not sure what to try next. I'm starting a new thread....
Re: issues ripping dvd-r
Posted: 21 May 2020 18:17
by jhxetc
I have a similar issue. I'm ripping from the command line using the following command:
Code: Select all
dvdsimple:\\\e:\#1 --sout="#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=3072,scale=Auto,acodec=mp3,ab=192,channels=5,samplerate=48000,afilter=normvol,scodec=none,deinterlace}:std{access=file{no-overwrite},mux=ts,dst=out.ts}" vlc://quit
According to the instructions at that should rip the video at title 1 of my DVD - which it does - however, it continues to progress through subsequent titles and overwrites the output file with those titles. So rather than get the full movie, I wind up with whatever video is at the last title of the DVD.
How do I make vlc rip the one title and stop?
Re: issues ripping dvd-r
Posted: 22 May 2020 01:09
by jhxetc
For now, I've settled on using makemkv to rip the title and then using vlc to transcode. I'd prefer to just use vlc and get it all done in one go, but it doesn't seem to be possible.
For anyone who wants to script it as I have done, here are the (powershell) commands I use:
Code: Select all
$mkv = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\MakeMKV\makemkvcon64.exe"
$vlc = "${env:ProgramFiles}\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe"
$dir = "C:\movies"
$movie = "Whatever"
& ${mkv} mkv disc:0 0 $dir -r
& ${vlc} "title_t00.mkv" --sout="#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=2048,scale=Auto,acodec=mp3,ab=192,channels=5,samplerate=48000,afilter=normvol,scodec=none,deinterlace}:std{access=file{no-overwrite},mux=ts,dst=${dir}\${movie}.ts}" vlc://quit