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Cannot play vedio on the second screen

Posted: 09 Sep 2019 01:57
by willardryan
I have two screen with my Windows10, I have set the "Fullscreen Vedio Device" to "Display2"
But it always play vedio on my my main screen. Even I set the "Fullscreen Vedio Device" to "Display1"
it always play on my main screen

How Can I play vedio on my second screen?

I used VLC 3.0.8

Re: Cannot play vedio on the second screen

Posted: 09 Sep 2019 15:03
by MCKitch
Hi, do you have the screens configured as 'extended desktop'? I've noticed that the if the window size exceeds the capabilities of one or the other screens it can cause issues. Try going back to 'windowed' mode and reducing the size, then try to drag the window to the other screen and then try to go to 'full screen' mode.

Re: Cannot play vedio on the second screen

Posted: 10 Sep 2019 12:35
by willardryan
My screens really configured as 'extended desktop', I can not figured out what is 'windowed' mode?

Re: Cannot play vedio on the second screen

Posted: 10 Sep 2019 15:18
by MCKitch
By 'windowed' mode I just mean it's not full screen so that you are able to change the size of the VLC window making sure it doesn't exceed the screen's dimensions.

Re: Cannot play vedio on the second screen

Posted: 16 Sep 2019 01:27
by willardryan
But I want to play as extended desktop, wether I set the "Fullscreen Vedio Device" to "Display2" or "Display1", it alwasys paly on my primary screen.