Shuffle play seems... limited.

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New Cone
New Cone
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Shuffle play seems... limited.

Postby eihpos » 02 Jul 2019 20:43

Hello experts!

Up until recently, right clicking a folder and clicking on "Play with VLC Media Player" Played ALL the songs in the folder and sub folders in a seemingly decent random fashion. It seems somehow this has stopped.

When I try now, I'm only seeing tracks from a limited number of artists. I don't usually do much more than that but after clicking on 'view' and 'playlist' it shows that only a very few of the sub folders are open, the vast majority are blue and not opened. If I click on them there, they still wont open, VLC just skips to one of the few opened tracks.

If I close VLC and try again, it seems to pick a different selection of folders to open, but still just a very few and won't play any more than that.

Has VLC somehow become limited at how many it will hold in a playlist?

Any help would be massively appreciated. I just want to play my music!

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