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One or many playlists

Posted: 15 Jun 2019 04:06
by HansL

I have switched to VLC, but used to use iTunes. There, I could save all the songs in ABBA Gold in a playlist and tunes from a Benny Goodman CD in another playlist, and then, when I clicked on Playlist in the menu, all the playlists were displayed and I could select the one I wanted to play songs from.

In VLC, I dragged all the ABBA Gold songs into the window that opened when I clicked "Playlist" at the top of the left-hand menu, and then I save the songs in a folder of my own choice and gave it the name "ABBA Gold.xspf". Now, I wonder how I can open this playlist. It dows not seem to show up anywhere. If I do Ctrl+L, I get a black window with the cone in the middle. No sign of the songs in the playlist.

These things are not intuitive to me, so I must be missing something. would be appreciated.

Thanks/Hans L

Re: One or many playlists

Posted: 15 Jun 2019 20:01
by HansL
Please ... I am challenged!

Hans L

Re: One or many playlists

Posted: 15 Jun 2019 20:17
by unidan
Hi, what you can «playlist» in iTunes is in fact «Media library» in VLC.

You can open Media library, right clic, create a directory, and put your music inside. Then you can navigate into the medialibrary, drag&drop to Playlist or right click and Play or Add to playlist.

The playlist is litterally the list of music that will be played by VLC.

Re: One or many playlists

Posted: 15 Jun 2019 20:55
by HansL
Unidan, thanks. As I have not digested what you said et. let me ask you this:

In iTunes, you could have a playlist for each album (ABBA Gold, Benny Goodman's Best, Beatles Yellow Submarine, and so on). But from what you say above, it seems as if there is only one playlist in VLC. What do I do to get a "playlist" (or whatever list) for each album?

Hans L