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Update destroyted VLC again.

Posted: 20 May 2019 10:18
by x32
Just made the horrible mistake of updating VLC to fix a problem. It of course fixed nothing but created several other problems. I don't know what version I upgraded from but moved to 3.0.6.

The video window opens full screen and is not embedded in the control interface, as it should, but with several problems which is making it unusable. VLC also no longer responds to my video controllers but that's an issue I'll have to work out once I get it back to a usable state again.

The new problems are...
1. The control window is always on top of the video window.
2. When taken out of full screen mode the video window size stays the same as the full screen size.
3. The video window can not be resized.
4. The video window can not be moved.

So where is the new but deeply buried setting which will hide the control window, and allow the video window to be resized and moved?????

Better yet, where is the link to the older video players that worked???

Re: Update destroyted VLC again.

Posted: 20 May 2019 10:46
by InTheWings
dubious. there was no intf changes in 3.0.6.
what did you upgrade from ?

Re: Update destroyted VLC again.

Posted: 21 May 2019 06:38
by x32
No idea what version I upgraded from. It's likely been a couple of years since I last upgraded. I normally don't upgrade because with every single upgrade something I use regularly quits working... always... never been an exception.

The not being able to move or resize the video window seems to be arbitrary. Sometimes it will move and resize, sometimes not, and sometimes it starts to move or resize then locks up.

The video controls always being on top of the video window is the worst. I can set it to always on top off but then the full screen controls go missing. So I either have the wrong video controls always on top of the video window or no controls in full screen mode.

Re: Update destroyted VLC again.

Posted: 21 May 2019 09:04
by Lotesdelere
Reset the preferences and try again:

Re: Update destroyted VLC again.

Posted: 22 May 2019 04:00
by x32
I reset the preferences, no change.

I uninstalled and reinstalled, no change.

I uninstalled and installed the 32 bit version, no change.

The latest version is broken. Where are the links to the older working versions???????????????????????????????????????????

I uninstalled and downloaded VLC Portable 3.0.6, NO CHANGE.

Re: Update destroyted VLC again.

Posted: 22 May 2019 04:16
by x32
Found a link to version 2.0.8.


Re: Update destroyted VLC again.

Posted: 22 May 2019 10:05
by Lotesdelere
Weird. Sounds like a Qt interface issue.
You should create a new ticket on the [url=]VLC Trac[/url] with the link to this thread.

Re: Update destroyted VLC again.

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 09:26
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Is your CPU very old?