Scene video filter introduces distortion to cropped videos in VLC 3.0.6, Windows 7
Posted: 12 May 2019 00:11
Hello thanks for checking this out! I tried to encapsulate my images as links to increase readability, but I don't think that's allowed on these forums, or at least the [url] tag wasn't working for me.
User Goal:
Use VLC's scene filter to create a series of PNGs from a video that was previously cropped using VLC's video cropping filter.
After enabling the scene video filter and restarting VLC, playing the cropped video shows distortion being introduced, and the scene video filter outputs that distortion to the exported image files. This problem is specific to videos that have previously been cropped using the VLC video cropping filter, uncropped videos show no such distortion.
Steps to Repro:
This is what the cropped video looks like when playing in VLC with default (reset) preferences. I would expect this to be what VLC shows with the scene video filter enabled as well:
Actual Results:
After enabling the scene video filter, video playback looks distorted:
The PNGs that the scene video filter capture are also distorted, but slightly differently (if that even matters):
I tried opening up Messages to save the messages as a log file to attach to this post, but every time I try to monitor the messages window, VLC crashes when the video stops. That crash with the messages window only happens when scene video filter is enabled.
I love VLC Media Player, thank you so much for reading all of this and especially thanks to anyone actually contributing to the software. Cheers
User Goal:
Use VLC's scene filter to create a series of PNGs from a video that was previously cropped using VLC's video cropping filter.
After enabling the scene video filter and restarting VLC, playing the cropped video shows distortion being introduced, and the scene video filter outputs that distortion to the exported image files. This problem is specific to videos that have previously been cropped using the VLC video cropping filter, uncropped videos show no such distortion.
Steps to Repro:
- Edit and enable video cropping filter in VLC
- Restart VLC
- Convert the original video recording with video cropping filter enabled
Original Video Codec Info:
Cropped and Converted Video Codec Info:
- Reset All Preferences from the preferences menu
- Edit and enable scene video filter.
Scene Video Filter settings:
- Save settings and restart VLC
- Open cropped video to capture PNG images
- Observe distorted video in playback and in captured PNGs
This is what the cropped video looks like when playing in VLC with default (reset) preferences. I would expect this to be what VLC shows with the scene video filter enabled as well:
Actual Results:
After enabling the scene video filter, video playback looks distorted:
The PNGs that the scene video filter capture are also distorted, but slightly differently (if that even matters):
I tried opening up Messages to save the messages as a log file to attach to this post, but every time I try to monitor the messages window, VLC crashes when the video stops. That crash with the messages window only happens when scene video filter is enabled.
I love VLC Media Player, thank you so much for reading all of this and especially thanks to anyone actually contributing to the software. Cheers