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Serious crash in VLC reported 11 months ago, why no progress?

Posted: 31 Mar 2019 08:40
by aitte
I reported a crash in VLC on Windows almost a year ago, including full repro instructions and even sample media. To avoid the crash I have to switch to software rendering, which is inefficient.

Will someone ever take a look at this bug? Is "Steve Lhomme" even a real person?

Re: Serious crash in VLC reported 11 months ago, why no progress?

Posted: 31 Mar 2019 10:17
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
If you are not satisfied with the free support, you are welcome to take care of the problem yourself or pay somebody to.

It should not surprise anyone that crash reports for non-default settings and without stack traces are not treated with high priority.

Re: Serious crash in VLC reported 11 months ago, why no progress?

Posted: 31 Mar 2019 22:29
by aitte
"High priority"? High priority would be it getting fixed in a few days. Not getting touched in a year means it ha NO priority at all. Looks like the bug reporting system is just to make us feel good about ourselves. Anyone who actually has a debug environment for VLC would find the repro instructions very clear and get their own stack trace.

Non-default? I enabled "sharpen," yes, but if you ever try sharpen you won't go back. Hardly deep off in the woods of configuration.

I would think you'd have some pride in your product, be it free or not, and not want it to crash so easily, but what do I know?

Re: Serious crash in VLC reported 11 months ago, why no progress?

Posted: 01 Apr 2019 10:17
by unidan
> "High priority"? High priority would be it getting fixed in a few days. Not getting touched in a year means it ha NO priority at all.

Or that the developer in charge of this part is busy with higher priority tasks. ;)
I don't know if this has been started to be addressed, did you try the nightly build in 4.0 ?

> Looks like the bug reporting system is just to make us feel good about ourselves.

Please stay calm, tickets are addressed each days which proves it's not what you think. They are more than 20000 tickets that have been opened and have been urgent for anybody that opened them.

> I would think you'd have some pride in your product, be it free or not, and not want it to crash so easily, but what do I know?

iirc, we reduced crashes by more than 90% since the first 3.0 release.

Re: Serious crash in VLC reported 11 months ago, why no progress?

Posted: 01 Apr 2019 17:57
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
"High priority"? High priority would be it getting fixed in a few days.
In a business environment, maybe. This project is run by volunteers on a shoe string budget.
Not getting touched in a year means it ha NO priority at all.
No, it just means lower priority than high. And there are always higher priority open bugs. And if you think 11 months is excessive, then what of the bugs that have been open for over a decade?

Again, if you want your bug resolved faster, you are welcome to provide a fix or pay someone to do so.