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What must a script look like

Posted: 10 Feb 2019 15:48
by Togijak

What must a script look like, so that the two windows (each 50% of the monitor) are displayed in synchronous playback of 2 videos. Sense of the question is that I want to create a GUI with AutoIt where the user only has to select the two films to be compared. MAGIX SOUND FORGE Audio Cleaning Lab has a comparison before after for the edited video sound but in the optical range of post-processing is missing such a comparison option

Re: What must a script look like

Posted: 11 Feb 2019 14:48
by #thweiss
Hello Togijak,

perhaps the Solution with Command Line Script (*.bat) help You to compare two Videos.

Link: -

Replace in the linked Script-Example the "http://..." URL with your Video-Path like "C:\Temp\Video1.mp4" and "C:\Temp\Video2.mp4".


Re: What must a script look like

Posted: 11 Feb 2019 22:00
by Togijak

thank you but if I use

Code: Select all

@echo off start "" "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --no-video-deco --no-embedded-video --video-x=1 --video-y=1 --qt-start-minimized --no-video-title-show --zoom=0.5 "D:\Work 3\1.mp4" start "" "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --no-video-deco --no-embedded-video --video-x=641 --video-y=1 --qt-start-minimized --no-video-title-show --zoom=0.5 --noaudio "D:\Work 3\2.mp4"
I get


and not 50% of the monitor for each and I miss the control panel to stop etc. both videos

Re: What must a script look like

Posted: 12 Feb 2019 10:18
by #thweiss
You can adapt the Script-Example for Your wishes in some limitations (for the control-buttons).
With a litte Bit of Mathematics the Videosize can change to the half Width of the Computer-Monitor.

- Monitor (1920×1080) Pixel Width = 1920 -> x-Position for the right Video = 960 (--video-x=960)
- Video (1280×720) Pixel Width = 1280 -> Zoom Option for the Video = 960 / 1280 (--zoom=0.75)

In the Command Line Help are all possible Options listed.

This Solution is only for a playback of two Videos without control-buttons.
At the Moment I don't have any other Idea.


Re: What must a script look like

Posted: 13 Feb 2019 12:30
by #thweiss
Hello Togijak,

I create an *.html-File wich successful compare 2 Videos in a Webbrowser with supported NPAPI-VLC-Webplugin and activated JavaScript.
My Browser Mozilla Firefox Version 52.3.0 (32-Bit) and the VLC-Webplugin (Install VLC-Player 3.0.6 (32-Bit)) under Windows 7 work fine with the *.html Example.
"Compare2Videos.html"-File: - ... -html-txt/
Please delete the File-Extension .txt after Download.

The following Image shows the html-Solution in work.

The buttons to control both Videos work with JavaScript.

You can change the Video-Source for Example with the Notepad-Editor in Windows.
Replace or Change the Video Source in the src="..." Option from the <embed>-Tag.

Code: Select all

<embed type="application/x-vlc-plugin" width="49%" height="720" autoplay="no" src=""> <embed type="application/x-vlc-plugin" width="49%" height="720" autoplay="no" src="">
A local saved Video I could insert with the Path src="file:///C:\Temp\LF.mp4". My Video-File is saved in C:\Temp\LF.mp4.

Code: Select all

<embed type="application/x-vlc-plugin" width="49%" height="720" autoplay="no" src="file:///C:\Temp\LF.mp4"> <embed type="application/x-vlc-plugin" width="49%" height="720" autoplay="no" src="file:///C:\Temp\DD.mp4">

Perhaps the Webbrowser Waterfox could also working fine with VLC-Webplugin and *.html-File.

Re: What must a script look like

Posted: 15 Feb 2019 07:42
by #thweiss

Link Mozilla Firefox 52.3.0 ESR:

Re: What must a script look like

Posted: 15 Feb 2019 17:31
by mederi
Check the server for latest Firefox ESR release: 52.9.0esr for XP/Vista+, 60.5.1esr for 7+.

Re: What must a script look like

Posted: 16 Feb 2019 09:02
by #thweiss
The "Mozilla Firefox Version 52.x ESR" is the last Version, which supported NPAPI Plugins, like the VLC-Webplugin.
Plugin Roadmap Firefox: ... ns/Roadmap

In my Windows 10 (64-Bit) I could successfull install the Firefox 52.9 ESR (64-Bit) and the VLC 3.0.6 (32-Bit) with the VLC-Plugin (
I can confirm, that the Firefox 52.9 ESR (64-Bit) with the VLC (32-Bit) Plugin from the installed VLC-Player 3.0.6 (32-Bit) works fine with the "Compare2Video.html"-File.

The VLC-Player 3.0.6 (64-Bit) does not install the Webplugin in the Firefox 52.9 ESR (64-Bit) Browser! ... 52.9.0esr/
Disable the Update-Function in Settings / Options for the Firefox 52.9 ESR Version, otherwise Firefox will immediatly install the latest Firefox Version 65.x with no NPAPI-Support.

Re: What must a script look like

Posted: 19 Feb 2019 09:05
by #thweiss
I adapt in the "Compare2Videos-2.html" Example some corrections in the html-Code and in Javascript for an improved Result.
Please delete the File Extension .txt after the Download.
Link: ... -html-txt/

I could the same html-Example open in the "Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.19236" under Windows 7 (64-Bit) and control both Videos with the Buttons.
The [Stop]-Button will somehow not work correct, however press the [Pause]-Button and then the [Stop]-Button the Function works some time.
The Option autoplay="no" in the <embed../>-Tag does somehow not work with Internet Explorer 11.
I get the same Result with the Option autostart="no".