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VLC 3.0.6 - Command Line Issues

Posted: 14 Jan 2019 14:34
by #thweiss
The commands :run-time=30 (--run-time=30) or :stop-time=30 (--stop-time=30) do not work in VLC 3.0.6 (32-Bit) with Windows 7 (64-Bit).

Any Ideas to activate the "time" control commands in the command line?

Script Example (Record.bat):
@echo off
start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --qt-start-minimized :run-time=60 :sout-file-format ... aster.m3u8 :sout=#file{dst="C:\\Temp\\Video_%date%_%time:~0,2%-%time:~3,2%-%time:~6,2%.ts"} vlc://quit

Thanks for Your Help.

Re: VLC 3.0.6 - Command Line Issues

Posted: 15 Jan 2019 10:52
by unidan
Hi, I would say that you have to put the option after the media:

From the vlc help:

Code: Select all

Options-styles: --option A global option that is set for the duration of the program. -option A single letter version of a global --option. :option An option that only applies to the stream directly before it and that overrides previous settings.

Re: VLC 3.0.6 - Command Line Issues

Posted: 16 Jan 2019 21:12
by #thweiss
Thanks for your hints. I tryed different Changes for the Script with no success.
In my last Tests I worked with VLC-Player 64Bit Version 3.0.6 and Windows 10 64-Bit.

For Example I put the option :run-time=60 and :sout-file-format after the Media-Link with an instantly break for the Stream-Recording.

I belive there is someone faulty in the VLC Version 3.0.6 by useing the defined commands in the command-line.

Re: VLC 3.0.6 - Command Line Issues

Posted: 24 Jan 2019 09:43
by #thweiss

Sorry for my late answer.
I tested a changed command line with an rtmp-Live-Stream and the recording function works fine.
VLC-Version 3.0.6 (32-Bit) with Windows 7 (64-Bit)

Example RTMP Live-Stream:

Code: Select all

@echo off start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --qt-start-minimized --sout-file-format "rtmp://" "--sout=#file{dst="C:/Temp/RTMP-%%Y-%%m-%%d-%%H-%%M-%%S.ts"}" --no-sout-all --sout-keep --run-time=10 vlc://quit

Than I changed the RTMP Live-Stream against the HLS Live-Stream in the same Command-Line.

Example HLS Live-Stream:

Code: Select all

@echo off start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --qt-start-minimized --sout-file-format "" "--sout=#file{dst="C:/Temp/HLS-%%Y-%%m-%%d-%%H-%%M-%%S.ts"}" --no-sout-all --sout-keep --run-time=10 vlc://quit
In the Script with HLS Live-Stream the VLC-Player is crashed and could not record the Stream.
The saved File ("HLS-2019-01-24-...ts") has a Size of 0kb.

Have You any Ideas to avoid the Crash with HLS Streams?


Re: VLC 3.0.6 - Command Line Issues

Posted: 24 Jan 2019 10:24
by #thweiss
Edit 1:

This Example-Script works also fine to record a RTMP Live-Stream.

Code: Select all

@echo off start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --qt-start-minimized rtmp:// --sout-file-format --sout=#file{dst="C:\\Temp\\Video-RTMP_%date%_%time:~0,2%-%time:~3,2%-%time:~6,2%.ts"} --run-time=10 vlc://quit

Re: VLC 3.0.6 - Command Line Issues

Posted: 25 Jan 2019 21:58
by #thweiss
I tested the last Script for the VLC-Player 3.0.6 (64-Bit) with a http Live-Stream.
The VLC-Player is "crashed" or close immediately and the saved File "HLS-2019-01-25...ts" has 0KB Size.

Example-Script for recording http Live-Stream

Code: Select all

@echo off start "" "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --qt-start-minimized --sout-file-format "" "--sout=#file{dst="C:/Temp/HLS-%%Y-%%m-%%d-%%H-%%M-%%S.ts"}" --no-sout-all --sout-keep --run-time=10 vlc://quit

The VLC-Log is in the following Link.


Re: VLC 3.0.6 - Command Line Issues

Posted: 26 Jan 2019 21:08
by #thweiss
In my latest Script-Example I used an MPEG-Dash Live-Stream to record in a File with VLC 3.0.6 (64-Bit) and Windows 10.
The VLC-Player "crashed" or close after same Secounds and the saved File "Video-MPD_26.01.2019...ts" has 0KB Size.

Example-Script for recording MPEG Dash Live-Stream

Code: Select all

@echo off start "" "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --qt-start-minimized --sout-file-format --sout=#file{dst="C:\\Temp\\Video-MPD_%date%_%time:~0,2%-%time:~3,2%-%time:~6,2%.ts"} --run-time=10 vlc://quit

Hope someone can repair the Issue.

The VLC-Log is in the following Link.
