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VLC 3.0.5 Trouble with Youtube Stream-Recording

Posted: 02 Jan 2019 08:33
by #thweiss
Recording the Youtube Livestream Example break down with the 64-Bit Version 3.0.5 under Windows 10, however works fine with the 32-Bit Version 3.0.5 in Windows 7.

Hope there is a simple solution for the Recording-Function in the 64-Bit Version of the latest VLC-Player.


Re: VLC 3.0.5 Trouble with Youtube Stream-Recording

Posted: 02 Jan 2019 16:22
by Hitchhiker
When you say, "break down" what do you mean exactly?

I was able to record a section of the movie without a problem. Here's a screenshot of 34 seconds worth.

(click to enlarge)

All I did was to stream it using your link and then right click and click "Record" to start and click again to stop. The video will be saved automatically to your C:\ drive in the "Videos" folder.

Re: VLC 3.0.5 Trouble with Youtube Stream-Recording

Posted: 02 Jan 2019 19:24
by #thweiss
Hello Hitchhiker,

the words "break down" do not describe the error correct.

When I start Recording the Youtube Stream with the "red Record-Button" in the User-Interface the Video will safe in the defined Path from the Settings.
One or some Secounds later the Videoplaying stops for a visible Part of a Secound and immediately VLC is plaing the Video along.
Later I stop recording the Video with the same "red Record-Button".

The saved Video (vlc-record-2019-01-02-19h02m42s-ArcadiaTV...mp4) is shorter in length of time than the manuel selected recording Time.
For me it look's that the VLC (64-Bit Version) stop recording during the visible Break in playing the Video.

Hope this Text describe my experience better than the words "break down".

In the next Answer I add the Error-Protocol for my Example.


Re: VLC 3.0.5 Trouble with Youtube Stream-Recording

Posted: 02 Jan 2019 19:33
by #thweiss
The Example Error-Protocol is published in the following Link.