VLC decoder drops last frames of video clips

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VLC decoder drops last frames of video clips

Postby ElisaCol » 12 Dec 2018 13:23


I just experienced something weird while playing looped video sequences. The VLC playback always stops a few frames before the end of the video loop and makes it impossible to watch the loop. This only happens with encoded video material. If I take jpgraw right out of Blender and play it the same way it shows every single frame. Why is that? I use VLC 3.04 for Windows. My system is win 7, 64 bit.

Even weirder is, that I wanted to use those video loops in Cockos Reaper, which can use VLC as video decoder. Even there the last frames of any video clip don't show up. And if I render the video, the stuck frames get rendered. So it isn't a graphics card problem or something like a performance deficit. VLC just doesn't show the last frames of EVERY encoded video.

Edit: If I change the video decoder of Cockos Reaper to ffmpeg the video playes without any problems. So it is only VLC which shows this behavior.

Hope someone can help or understands whats going on here.

Many thanks

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Re: VLC decoder drops last frames of video clips

Postby wayne2000 » 11 Jul 2019 10:43

Has this problem been solved by anyone?

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Re: VLC decoder drops last frames of video clips

Postby wayne2000 » 11 Jul 2019 10:49

When the video finishes playing, you will find that the screen is not the last frame at all.

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Re: VLC decoder drops last frames of video clips

Postby unidan » 16 Jul 2019 16:04

What is your VLC version ?

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Re: VLC decoder drops last frames of video clips

Postby wayne2000 » 01 Aug 2019 05:28

VLCLib version :
VLC media player:

Both have this problem.

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Re: VLC decoder drops last frames of video clips

Postby quick_silver » 25 Aug 2019 17:09

I have been facing same issue, VLC does not play last few frames of the video. If same file is played in WMplayer, it plays all the frames. How to fix this in VLC?

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Re: VLC decoder drops last frames of video clips

Postby Pridit » 07 Mar 2020 20:07

I am also experiencing the same issue. Windows Media Player plays all the frames but VLC just skips the last few. Is there a solution to this?

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Re: VLC decoder drops last frames of video clips

Postby newtonian_fig » 15 Apr 2020 07:46

Same problem here! Windows media player doesn't drop the last few frames, but VLC does. Curiously, the last frames also get dropped when I create a simple HTML5 webpage to play the file (happens in both Edge and Chrome). My video is an mp4 and was encoded using ffmpeg. Video was created using a series of images as input, 25 fps, and I used the codec libx264.

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Re: VLC decoder drops last frames of video clips

Postby wayne2000 » 28 May 2020 15:31


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