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is it possible to have multiple config / preference files?

Posted: 25 Oct 2018 07:20
by pjs
I installed 32-bit and 64-bit VLC to try to have two configs but apparently they both share the same config file in %AppData%vlc. That is unfortunate. Is there a way I could "hack" one of the VLC installations, say, the 32-bit version, to specify a different location/path for the config file? I need the actual .EXE and not a shortcut to point to a 2nd config file so I can have 2 configs, one for audio and one for video. Shortcuts will not work for this usage.

I need something like this:
VIDEO = "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC" -----> points to "%AppData\Roaming\vlc\vlcrc"
AUDIO = "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" -----> points to "%AppData\Roaming\vlc\vlcrc2"

Any ideas?

Thank you.

Re: is it possible to have multiple config / preference files?

Posted: 25 Oct 2018 10:45
by Lotesdelere
VLC.exe --config="P:ath\to\vlcrc"

Re: is it possible to have multiple config / preference files?

Posted: 25 Oct 2018 22:56
by pjs
That's for a shortcut isn't it? Shortcuts won't be adequate for this usage.

Is there a way to apply that parameter to the actual .EXE and not a shortcut? Perhaps that's what you meant but I just don't know how. If so, how can I apply it to the .EXE and not a shortcut?

Re: is it possible to have multiple config / preference files?

Posted: 26 Oct 2018 08:25
by pjs
VLC.exe --config="P:ath\to\vlcrc"
This command was useful afterall. After Googling around I found a third party program called "Default Programs Editor" that can do advanced file associations. Windows used to have this feature built in but they removed it around Windows 8 or so. Technically, it can still be done via registry but it is very complicated. Basically, the program allows me to add command parameters, like the VLC one you provided, to all the various extensions associated with a program. So, I was able to change all audio extensions to point to C:\...vlc.exe" --config="...vlcrc-audio" and all video extensions to C:\...vlc.exe" --config="...vlcrc-video". So now I have two VLC configs in my %appdata/vlc folder: vlcrc-audio & vlcrc-video. This is a valid workaround to my issue. It even works for AutoPlay so now a music CD will correctly launch with visualizations and a DVD will not have the visualization blocking video.
