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Chromecast Audio Only
Posted: 24 Aug 2018 20:25
by green1985
i recently bought chromecast audio and was hoping to use it with vlc player. i'd like to set it up such that it only streams the audio part to the chromecast while the video is shown locally on the laptop.
is that possible?
thanks in advance!!
Re: Chromecast Audio Only
Posted: 24 Aug 2018 21:47
by green1985
Alternative solution would be to duplicate the stream ie to show it locally as well as stream it to the chromecast and simply ignore it... any thoughts?
thanks again
Re: Chromecast Audio Only
Posted: 25 Aug 2018 12:10
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
It is possible with awkward manual configuration, but it probably wouldn't be in good sync given how Chromecast works.
Re: Chromecast Audio Only
Posted: 21 Feb 2021 22:55
by Kristop
I realize this question has already been asked in 2018. I would like to play a video on VLC while sending only the audio to a ChromeCast Audio.
I see you mention sync, do you refer to latency ? There is a latency for the audio on CCA (1/2 to 1 second in my case), so the next problem would be to increase and tune the video latency to compensate for the CCA audio latency : would this be possible ?
(The next step would be to do that while streaming youtube through VLC, because youtube cannot adjust the video latency.)