It looks like after updating to 3.0.3 I seem to have strange issues in some of the videos, which I never did in VLC before.
Video shows up scrambled at times, ears go boom because of the error kindda sound it makes. I have tested these same videos in SM Player, Media Player Classic, they seem to work fine in there, with zero errors. I have an movie saved in my system for over 3 or 4 years now, I never had VLC showing up issues playing the file before the upgrade even that shows up scrambled video these days. Attaching few screenshots, when I started playing the file:
One of the major reason I prefer VLC is because of the option to increase my audio sound upto 200% & some times even more, now I'm not sure what to do with this when the video itself has turned crappy.
earlier if I paused an video on my laptop, went away. The system would have been showing up the paused message even after an hour or two, now it goes to sleep after showing up screen savers, probably an change in this version I reckon ?
* I haven't changed any settings in VLC for over an year or two at the least.
System specs:
4GB RAM, 500gb HDD, Windows 7 Core 2 Duo processor