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jpg files close suddenly in vlc-0.8.4 version...

Posted: 30 Nov 2005 12:27
by yasforum

i had the vlc-0.8.2 final version, and it worked right, but i've seen the new version, vlc-0.8.4 and i've downloaded it.
now, when i open, for example, a file .jpg, vlc opens it, but also closes it suddenly. what is it due to??? is that a problem of this release? or is it done to work this way?

thanks very much.

Posted: 30 Nov 2005 14:10
by dionoea
this seems to be a bug in 0.8.4 . We will try to fix it.

Posted: 30 Nov 2005 19:01
by zorglub
I don't consider this as a bug.

VLC reading JPG files is not a feature but a side-effect of the MJPG reading capability. We will not work towards making a slideshow reader from VLC

Posted: 01 Dec 2005 04:47
by The DJ
Still we shouldn't crash on it.

Posted: 15 Mar 2006 17:12
by tibabo
i need to show jpeg file with vlc for a project , in linux it works fine if i add a -R option , vlc loop on the jpeg file , but in windows it takes all ressources and my computer become unstable

any solution ????

Posted: 15 Mar 2006 17:57
by dionoea
vlc --fake-file=pic.jpg fake:

Posted: 15 Mar 2006 18:59
by tibabo
thanks but i use a few jpeg files with the rc interface (vlc -I rc ), i use "add image.jpg" , will it work for that too ?

Posted: 15 Mar 2006 19:42
by tibabo
i find a way , i increase the time when the image is displayed
in the options of vlc input/codec > demuxers > MJPEG > i put 100 images per seconde , i keep the -R option and i pause the playlist but it's not an obligation the cpu load decrease enought with 100 ips ,


VLC is great
8) see you next time