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Impossible to set a bitrate when converting to H264

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 23:41
by Kristop

I am trying to convert a video (in fact apply a rotation, but that's not the point), so I use the convert/save Menu, I select an input video, I select the Video H264 MP4 profile, and then I enter a bitrate value (5000 for instance) in the video Codec part, but when I save the bitrate goes back to "unused" (not sure of the english labels, I use the french version). The video I get is around 3500kbps.
Strangely, I did this a few months ago, and I could set the bitrate I wanted (up to something like 33000). It was with an older version (like v2.1.6).
No I use v3.0.3, but I tried also 3.0.2 and 2.2.6, and it is the same.
The only thing strange that happened recently is that when I installed 3.0.3 (or 3.0.2 afterwards), the 2.1.6 was still there! I was having to vlc versions that I could launch. I removed all versions, and reinstalled 3.0.3.

Does anyone have an idea what is the problem ?

Thank you

Re: Impossible to set a bitrate when converting to H264

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 09:17
by garf

Saving the bitrate in the h264/mp4 profile works on a fresh installation of VLC 3.0.3.
Have you tried to create a new profile from scratch, or to reset your preferences if you can ?