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Video files stopped initiating when double-clicked, if VLC is already running

Posted: 20 May 2018 20:41
by ronbarak
Recently, my VLC started behaving differently:
before, double-clicking on a video file would load that video file to VLC, and start playing the video.
However, now - if the VLC is already running, the video will not start playing. To actually start playing videos I need to close VLC. Then, if VLC is closed, double-clicking on a video file would start VLC, load the video file to it, and start playing the video file.

Can you suggest what I should change in VLC preferences (or Windows's) so that video files would start upon being double-clicked, even if VLC is already running?

Re: Video files stopped initiating when double-clicked, if VLC is already running

Posted: 21 May 2018 07:55
by Lotesdelere
Tools -> Preferences (Show settings = All) -> Advanced

There are two options:

Allow only one running instance
One instance when started from file

How are these options set ?

Re: Video files stopped initiating when double-clicked, if VLC is already running

Posted: 21 May 2018 13:55
by ronbarak
Tools -> Preferences (Show settings = All) -> Advanced

There are two options:

Allow only one running instance
One instance when started from file

How are these options set ?
Both are set (True).

Re: Video files stopped initiating when double-clicked, if VLC is already running

Posted: 22 May 2018 12:16
by Lotesdelere
I can't reproduce the issue with VLC 3.0.2.

Re: Video files stopped initiating when double-clicked, if VLC is already running

Posted: 22 May 2018 16:22
by ronbarak
I can't reproduce the issue with VLC 3.0.2.
My version is 2.2.6 Umbrella, which VLC tells me (when I check for updates) is the latest version. ... 3gSkjgJWWv ... 0RuTMk8npZ