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Unable to Mouse Click Slelect Screen Menu Items

Posted: 07 Jan 2018 17:01
by dolfinthemammal
Dear VLC Forum: I run Win 8 and 10. Also, I run VLC 2.2.6 Umbrella. Problem: I cannot properly select with my mouse (or with my keyboard up/down arrows) items on the beginning screen menu while playing DVDs on my computer. As an example: I cannot mouse click on "Scenes" or "Play Movie" or "Selections". I can only press enter and hope that the item I want is selected without me being able to see that it is selected. There is highlighting of items but the highlight does not align with the item on the screen. It acts as if the highlght function is out of sync with the menu items on screen. Changing aspect ratio does not help. Neither does waving mouse above item on menu highlight selection. Any solutions that come to mind? Thank you for your advice.

Re: Unable to Mouse Click Slelect Screen Menu Items

Posted: 07 Jan 2018 20:58
by John_Richmond

I believe there are a few issues with 2.2.6 and 2.2.8, I have had a few things go wrong myself.

I reinstalled the previous version of VLC and everything is back to normal now. If you go down that path be sure to un-check the updates box otherwise you will be back to square one.

Hopefully the next build will have fixed these issues.