Streaming Playlists from the GUI
Posted: 23 Sep 2017 13:15
This appears to be a frequent but ancient topic for which I have not found a resolution after exhaustive searches.
The task appears to be a trivial application of vlc - stream music files over a local network.
Using a *.xspf file to hold the playlist, the final output command line from the GUI is:
If Stream all elementary streams is not ticked
:sout=#duplicate{dst=rtp{sdp=rtsp://},dst=display} :sout-keep
If Stream all elementary streams is ticked
:sout=#duplicate{dst=rtp{sdp=rtsp://},dst=display} :sout-all :sout-keep
Only the first file in the playlist is sent across the local network.
The task appears to be a trivial application of vlc - stream music files over a local network.
Using a *.xspf file to hold the playlist, the final output command line from the GUI is:
If Stream all elementary streams is not ticked
:sout=#duplicate{dst=rtp{sdp=rtsp://},dst=display} :sout-keep
If Stream all elementary streams is ticked
:sout=#duplicate{dst=rtp{sdp=rtsp://},dst=display} :sout-all :sout-keep
Only the first file in the playlist is sent across the local network.