Play Order is Wrong

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Play Order is Wrong

Postby IanGreen » 13 Apr 2017 00:33

Hi Everyone,
I am a "Newbie" on this site, and not too clued up on video software either, so apologies in advance for mistakes.

I have just started using VLC Media Player, which is already saving me loads of hassle in a project -- at least until now.

I am using the "Open Multiple Files" option to access files which are listed in date and time order. (At least according to Windows.)
However, on a couple of occasions when Play starts, VLC chooses a file which appears about 50% of the way down the folder/order. e.g -- First file in the queue has date/time stamp of "05/11/2016 15:15", but VLC plays the file stamped "05/11/2016 15:54" instead.
The next file to be played is that of the "natural 1st", i.e. the one time stamped "05/11/2016 15:15".
VLC then carries on playing in the expected order, including the file it started with, but now in the right place.

Can anyone suggest how this is happening, or better still, how it can be stopped?

The dates and time shown here are UK format, and I am running an Intel i5 system with 16gb RAM, using Windows 7 Home 64 bit with about 25TB of attached or internal storage.
The MP4 files with which I am working have been produced on a DashCam, and average approx. 650Mb size, with a run-time of 5 minutes.
Thank you,

Big Cone-huna
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Re: Play Order is Wrong

Postby zcot » 14 Apr 2017 06:16

Just stabbing in the dark here.

Make sure the "Random" icon is not selected in the main interface?

Any chance you had any of those files loaded previously? And was it possibly playing that one last? I'm just thinking about the "Continue Playback" functionality. Tools - Preferences -> Continue playback?

You can turn off "Auto Start" of the playlist, -maybe that will do it? lol. So when you load up, you'll have to run the first file, then it should follow along appropriately. Tools - Preferences - All - Playlist -> Auto start

Also, you can use a regular expression filter for the playlist.. not sure if that only affects recently played items or not, like it implies, but it's an option to try.

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 13 Apr 2017 00:02

Re: Play Order is Wrong

Postby IanGreen » 02 Nov 2017 16:37

Hi zcot,
My apologies for having taken so long to get back but, having had a complete crash of my system, it has taken a very long time to resurrect everything.

Your "stab in the dark" was a good one as the "Random" icon had indeed been selected --- goodness knows how as I didn't know of its existence until you mentioned it.

Anyway, problem solved --- and my thanks to you.


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