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controllin vlc from C++ program (not rc interface)

Posted: 08 Nov 2005 08:51
by oscarml

First of all I must say I'm just begining in programming.

I want to make a C program (well, C++ but I think the process is the same, isn`t it?) to control vlc.

I'm using dev-cpp, but I'm not sure about what I have to add in my project.

I've token this directories from vlc source code to my workspace (the place where I have my main program in c++ (the program which use VLC_Play, and other funtions).

./include and

I've configured this in my project options

for library dir. -> ./lib
for include dir. -> ./include & ./include/vlc
for resource dir. -> ./src

When I try to compile my program, I've this message:

C:\Dev-Cpp\experimentos\CONTROL VLC\ [Build Error]

No rule to make target `C:/Dev-Cpp/experimentos/CONTROL', needed by `control.o'. Stop.

Have I to change the vlc makefile? I hope I don't... I think that is easier than I'm trying to do

please... HELP, thanks

Re: controllin vlc from C++ program (not rc interface)

Posted: 08 Nov 2005 09:29
by mokdevel
I want to make a C program (well, C++ but I think the process is the same, isn`t it?) to control vlc.
I can't help you with your C problems but you might want to look at this thread about controlling VLC.
It uses WM_COMMAND to do it and probably is the easiest way. Hope this helps.

Posted: 08 Nov 2005 10:43
by oscarml
I'll look at this, thank you very much.

Posted: 30 Nov 2005 08:30
by mokdevel
I'll look at this, thank you very much.
Did you succeed in commanding VLC with WM_COMMANDs? I can not get VLC to do a thing with SendMessage/PostMessage.