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Magion IPC 25HDC Cam streaming in HD to myCloud

Posted: 26 Feb 2017 12:10
by monette999
Hi VLC Forum,
first of all sorry if I am not so smart as you, but you ca make my day with some simple explainations.

I have an IP Cam whichs can record in HD but they manufacture Magninon IPC 25HDC wants me to buy server space from the manufactrure. I have found this bypass on the web for a Synology cloud server.

Can you help us to stream in HD with VLC Media player?

I want to take a video from an IPC 25HDC Cam & record it on a my cloud. I want to something like use a batch file with the VLC!!!

Then I want to use the alarm function to trigger the VLC player to start the recording. Do you think that can work. ... pwd=thanks -an -codec copy -fs 2000000`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.mp4 > /dev/null 2>&1 &', $retval);
system('rm -f lock.txt');
} else {
echo "Couldn't get the lock!";

This is a batch file I found.
How can I execute a bat file in VLC media player?


Re: Magion IPC 25HDC Cam streaming in HD to myCloud

Posted: 26 Feb 2017 16:44
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
VLC does not execute Batch files for very obvious security reasons.