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Portable accesses Installed vlcrc? & decode_slice_header error

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 14:01
by slimmi
Win 7 SP1
VLC 2.2.4 install (exe)
VLC 2.1.5 portable (zip)

I wanted to make a video from the desktop with VLC 2.2.4. VLC 2.2.4 crashes every time. Then I was recommended to VLC 2.1.5 and start recording via the command line. That worked.

Code: Select all

START "" F:\VIDEOLAN\VLC215\vlc.exe --extraintf=logger --verbose=2 --logfile=F:\VIDEOLAN\vlc.log --logmode=text --file-logging screen:// :screen-fps=25 :screen-left=0 :screen-top=0 :screen-width=960 :screen-height=540 :sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=1600}:file{dst=F:\\VIDEOLAN\\Test_01.mp4}
But, when playing, there is an error in the log-screen.

Code: Select all

[h264 @ 076e5820] A non-intra slice in an IDR NAL unit. [h264 @ 076e5820] decode_slice_header error
Is "log-screen" the correct name for this?: ... lc-log.png

Next, I was recommended to uninstall the installed VLC 2.2.4.
Now I have seen that the Portable VLC 2.1.5 creates a directory in C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\vlc and saves the vlcrc and other files there. In the same location as the installed version? There is a Portable version. What do it in C:\Users???!

I was told that the error message could come from FFmpeg. I have Audacity Portable version stored on the PC and in the same directory of Audacity the FFmpeg code since I need it in Audacity.

Another problem is that after uninstalling the installed VLC 2.2.4, there are still lots of registry entries. Please, I do not want third-party software to clean up.

The best for last. Here is a topic from 2014 with "decode_slice_header error" without reply ...

Re: Portable accesses Installed vlcrc? & decode_slice_header error

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 17:17
by mederi
VLC 3 is portable if you create "portable" folder in vlc. VLC stores only language setting in registry.

Re: Portable accesses Installed vlcrc? & decode_slice_header error

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 18:17
by slimmi
VLC 3 is portable if you create "portable" folder in vlc. VLC stores only language setting in registry.
ALL VLCs from version 0.4.0 have a portable version. See here:
I don't create a "portable" folder in vlc... what you mean???
I save the unzip VLC zip in a folder everywhere, and start it from there. OK?
Why writes Portable VLC in the OS directory ??? Thats a NO-GO for Portable. When a portable VLC version writes in the registry, thats a BIG NO-GO!
If I use an installed version and a portable version, because the one can do what the other can not, then both come in the way and nothing works. It's a great work.
Good portable programs ask where to save their settings file. In the same folder as the program, or in the user folder of the OS. With a USB stick, and in any case, "write in the same folder as the program is saved" is always the best. VLC does not ask.

Re: Portable accesses Installed vlcrc? & decode_slice_header error

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 18:40
by slimmi
I just learn that all of these 7z and ZIP versions are only FAKE-PORTABLE. *gnaaaaaa *

Re: Portable accesses Installed vlcrc? & decode_slice_header error

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 13:23
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
I just learn that all of these 7z and ZIP versions are only FAKE-PORTABLE. *gnaaaaaa *
As was explained to you, you can use the portable edition in 3.0