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How to automatically close window if stream is not available, from command-line.

Posted: 13 Sep 2016 14:36
by Littleolme
Thanks in advance. I've been Googling for a solution for the last couple of days without success.

I have a batch file that ping scans the local network looking for cameras, and for every reply it starts an instance of VLC.

My issue is that there are a couple of other devices, whose IP's can change, that don't stream video. This means VLC attempts to open a stream that doesn't exist. Is there a way I can have VLC gracefully close that window if it cannot find the stream, as opposed to the error it currently shows?

Re: How to automatically close window if stream is not available, from command-line.

Posted: 13 Sep 2016 20:40
by Ludrax

Re: How to automatically close window if stream is not available, from command-line.

Posted: 14 Sep 2016 07:47
by Littleolme
Well, now I feel silly. I tried "vlc://quit" before without success. It must have been something in my syntax at the time because now it works flawlessly.
