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Remove/edit right-click menu?

Posted: 01 May 2016 01:48
by wrepdrep
No, this is not the usual "how do I remove the Add to VLC playlist option".

I'm referring to the context menu that shows up when you right-click on the VLC window. VLC's own right-click menu with options such as "Subtitles", "Audio" and "Quit"

I accidentally right-click A LOT, especially when I'm browsing through a video, and if you do that on the lower half of the VLC window then the Quit option will end up right next to the mouse cursor. So if you try to quickly remove the menu then chances are very high that you will accidentally shut down VLC instead. And if you're used to clicking on any part of the window to remove the menu - which I am from browsing through Flash/HTML5 videos, then it leads to A LOT of unintended shutdowns.

There has to be a way to change the position of the Quit option, or removing the right-click menu altogether?

Re: Remove/edit right-click menu?

Posted: 27 May 2016 01:07
by Ludrax
There has to be a way to change the position of the Quit option, or removing the right-click menu altogether?
not yet? :-|