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how to: input-slave A-B LOOP bat script sync videos on different displays ?

Posted: 03 Mar 2016 01:38
by GogolBordello
Urgent !

Hi i can't figure out how to write the correct bat script code for the following:

Goal: play two videos (same lengh) on different screens, fullscreen on repeat.

Setup: --input-slave opens me two synced videos in directX or direct3D / I manually distribute the videos to the according screens and double-click to have fullscreen.

Problem: it works all fine until the point where the video loops. one of the videos leaves the fullscreen mode :(
I have made an observation that when i have the two videos on one screen the order of which of video is on top CHANGES after the loop! Probably in directX the videos get reloaded somehow.
So looping i not an option. (In case some one knows how to fix that please help)

Solution?: I have noticed that it i hit the LOOP A>B option from the extended controller menu it does not reload and repeats like i need it.

QUESTION: I did not manage to Set A>B points using the script. The codes that i found always involve --loop and that messes everything up. What is the correct command line for setting the in and out points (LOOP A>B) without using --loop ?

Thank you all !

Re: how to: input-slave A-B LOOP bat script sync videos on different displays ?

Posted: 03 Mar 2016 10:05
by Etoh
Does --repeat work?

Re: how to: input-slave A-B LOOP bat script sync videos on different displays ?

Posted: 03 Mar 2016 13:35
by GogolBordello
Does --repeat work?
no REPEAT does the same as LOOP
unfortunately it not work forme